Choose Your Fighter: Traditional vs. Modern Marketing


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Hotels and other short-term accommodation businesses are one of the hardest business types to market. It’s a good thing that there are now more modern marketing tools and techniques such as content marketing. These will definitely give such businesses a good boost at a much lower price.

Marketing hotels and other short-term accommodation businesses is not an easy feat because of the competition in the industry. There are already a lot of established hotels and there are more short-term accommodations that are on the rise, making it even more difficult to stand out. With the rise of websites such as Airbnb and HomeAway, it’s even harder to compete.

Sure, there are countless ways to market but is it suitable for your business? And which ones would give you the right solutions that will not cost much, especially if you’re just starting out? In case you’re looking for the effective ways to establish your accommodation business why not improve your online presence instead?

A Cheaper Alternative with Better Results

Improving your online presence is one of the most affordable options today that will guarantee you positive results. In fact, it is much cheaper than utilizing the traditional media. Traditional marketing methods could cost you hundreds of dollars for a single ad only which, by the way, airs for only a few seconds and only reaches about 2,000 people.

But with content marketing and other modern marketing solutions, a hundred dollars can already go a long way. In fact, it would only likely cost you about a little over $70 to reach 2,000 people.

And when it comes to results, sure, the traditional media is what many consumers are already familiar with. But content marketing and other modern marketing methods can help you expand your consumers’ reach to much greater levels. Digital advertising can help you spread your message worldwide, compared to the traditional marketing methods that are only limited to a certain population.

And what’s even better is that modern marketing methods can help you engage with your consumers better. They can directly respond to your message or share it to others. And these actions utilizing search engine optimization services can be trackable too – which will help you see how well your campaign is working.

With so many competitors in the hotel industry, it may be hard to market your brand. But thanks to modern marketing techniques that experts can help you with, you can now grow your accommodation business without breaking a sweat.

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