Event Wi-Fi Solutions and Pricing


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Event Wi-Fi is one of the things that is mostly asked in the terms of personal events, corporate meetings, as well as such parties where a bunch of people want to make Vlogs, broadcast it for fun. But, when it comes to such abundance where people want to have to use your Wi-Fi, it comes to such existence where you are going to face the bandwidth failure, and by the term bandwidth failure; it means that you are to get the glitches, the speed issues when several devices get to connect themselves with one ISP (Internet Service Provider).

But, as people never settle for less, one of the leading websites in terms of blogging as well as who tends to give you the proper solution of all those event Wi-Fi issues, the Trade Show Internet also does not want you to settle for less. It is because modern event venues require modernevent Wi-Fi solutions.

Trade Show Internet’s famous 4G kit Wi-Fi Module allows you to have almost up to 15 to 16 devices at one time with the ease-of-access and easy to implement and set up the device. The Trade Show Internet’s 4G Kit Wi-Fi Module allows you to have the same bandwidth rate for each device which connects through it and it never goes to such extent where you have to go towards the glitch and irritation where you just want to throw your device and give up on what you want to do when it comes to Wi-Fi speed (both the download and upload rates)

The famous Trade Show Internet’s 4G Wi-Fi Kit Module gives you all the pleasure when it comes to Wi-Fi speed, bandwidth rate, and the most amazing part is its price, it is available for only 599.99 USD and it is just not for one device but for five devices so you can have it all for your event.

Another amazing thing is the distance it covers, the device can cover up to 60 feet of distance so you can get into the sphere and enjoy the access to the internet with same bandwidth for all devices when you connect to it.

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