Image Optimization Tips You Have Been Looking For!


What is SEO? Benefits of Learning SEO For Your Website |Small Business Sense

As far as SEO is concerned, image optimization is extremely important. If you want your images to rank high on Google and other search engines then you will have to put in right kind of effort. It is really important to reduce the size of the image. You have to go for the smallest possible size. You are not trying to reduce the quality of the image. You do this so that the web page will load faster. Quick loading is very important if you wish to grab the attention of your potential customers that visit your website. If the speed is slow then bounce rate will be high, which will eventually affect your rankings. In the end, it will affect your rankings as well. Search engines give important to the load time of the website. You don’t want big images to come in the way. If you wish to reduce bounce rate then you will have to take it seriously.

Optimizing your images

  • It is important to optimize the images and content on your website.
  • You also need to look into the speed of the website.
  • You need to realize the fact that more people are using smartphones these days compared to before. You need to come up with mobile friendly websites.
  • SEO is not an easy thing. It will require consistent effort from your side for you to see results. It can be really frustrating as you will not be able to see immediate results. You need to have patience. You may want to consider SEO services that can help you achieve results.
  • But as far as increase in organic traffic is concerned, you need to take advantage of search engines.

Image optimization tips

Let’s have a look at the image optimization tips below. We guarantee that these tips are going to be really useful.

Select images carefully

Yes, it is really important to select images in a careful manner. The images should be relevant and it should complement the message you wish to convey. Images grab the attention like nothing else, even before they read the title or headings. In this regard, images are powerful tools which should be utilized in the proper manner. A good image will inspire the reader to investigate further for more information. The image should connect with the content you present. It should be appealing in the first place. If it has relevance to the content then it is going to leave a positive impression in the mind of audience. In order to create high quality content, you will have to spend some time. Don’t go for royalty free images. You should come up with your own high quality images.

If you could, you should ensure that there is emotional connect to the photo. You can go for a humorous or dramatic photo for the same. This will sway hearts. This strategy is far more effective compared to other ones. If you wish to be in the good books of Google then you should go for original photos. Don’t use generic photos from other websites. This will not help you to increase your ranking at all.

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