Ways To Effectively Drive New Feature Adoption In 2020


10 Highly Effective Ways to Drive New Feature Adoption in 2020 ...

While the use of user onboarding software enhances product adoption and retention, for features to be useful, they need to be showcased in a way that shows their utility and value addition. Thus the introduction of new features needs to be done in a way that they can easily incorporate themselves in the day to day software usage of the user.

Certain ways which effectively help achieve this are:

  • New feature blog posts: This method might be generic but it has shown critical success. These new feature release posts should contain information about:
    • Product release,
    • Description of the features and their utility and
    • A well-designed feature tour.

Blogs present the first opportunity of engaging users and educating them about new feature launches and thus their effectiveness should not be taken lightly.

  • Using login screen to draw attention: Feature launch can best be facilitated by sending regular reminders especially on the login page of product users. The login page presents a huge opportunity since users have to automatically look at it due to the automatic log-out feature present in every software. All information regarding the feature can be effectively portrayed here so that it gets drilled into the user system.
  • Use of interactive pop-ups: Any interactive method tends to be a success. Interactive pop-ups present a very effective environment to engage conversationally with the user. This level of instantaneous response and contextuality helps the developers to gauge the user’s reaction to a feature launched and also create awareness about it at the same time.
  • Using a demo webinar: The feature adoption software can be effectively used to present a well-designed walk-through with the help of a webinar. For most people seeing is believing and the webinar walk-though helps demonstrate both the functionality and the value of a feature. 

Proper announcement of a new feature introduced is important because it helps users understand how the feature will help solve problems and enhance their productivity. Sending reminders keeps users engaged and also directs them to try it out. Thus timely introduction, actionable messaging, notifications, reminders, pop-ups etc., all help to enable faster product feature adoption.


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