Why Every SaaS Company Should Invest in SEO


SEO for SaaS in 2021: 13 Proven Tips & Strategies

As more and more businesses have started to head online, it is more important for SaaS companies than ever to make sure that their presence is digital-first. While SaaS products themselves are digital, more often than not SaaS companies find themselves marketing more on social media than through other methods. One often overlooked method of promoting SaaS products online is SEO. Using a SaaS SEO strategy, a SaaS company can take advantage of the unique business model of its SaaS offerings to leverage leads that come through SEO.

Unlike an ecommerce store, a SaaS company is focused on charging customers for access to a software product, tool or suite of tools for a specific purpose and a defined time limit. This means that any leads that come through SEO are not looking for a tangible product, but rather a software that can help them solve problems with their business. Because the audience for SaaS products is generally B2B and usually not B2C, SaaS companies can focus more on knowledge-based content and integrations with other software solutions rather than just trying to sell a product such as ‘men’s shoes’ or ‘best footwear for weddings.’

In that sense, SaaS companies need to heavily rely on audience feedback and keyword research to determine how to target their website pages and content. This is a great opportunity as SaaS companies have a lot of leverage to invest in content development, a hallmark of any good SEO strategy. When investing in content development for SEO purposes, SaaS companies will be able to leverage the power of keyword research to better target their content efforts.

When doing so, SaaS companies will be able to gain highly targeted leads through organic search. The good thing about these leads is they are already looking for information. Given that SaaS companies thrive in the information economy, they often have the best information when it comes to precise businesses processes or pain points that their SaaS solutions are targeted to solve. For example, if a construction company knows they need a better way to manage customers, a SaaS company can use that persona and create a CRM software that can solve that problem. They can then put out content that is geared toward that buyer persona and create a page on their website that is specifically devoted to the problems that a construction company may be able to solve while using a CRM. 

When doing this, a SaaS company can reverse engineer its personas and potential users by creating keyword-targeted content to appeal to them. They can then use the power of internal optimizations and backlink building to further optimize the page to Google and increase its authority and relevance. Once this is complete, a SaaS company will be able to rank a website page in a way that their competitors may not have thought of. 

Given that the SaaS space is so new and is on a huge trajectory for growth, SEO is a great way to gain a competitive advantage over your competitors. Not only can you rank your SaaS website for a higher variety of search terms, but you can also target highly relevant keywords so that your website gets in front of anyone who is actively or casually looking for a solution to their problems, even if they don’t realize that a SaaS product could solve them in the first place. 

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