How to do SEO on YouTube Channels in 2022?


Consider doing all the hard work in making your videos and coming up with the best content for your viewers, but on searching your tags, your video shows up at the bottom or doesn’t show up at all. If you are facing the above issue, this article on SEO on Youtube is just for you.

You can improve your video’s low positioning through some strategies, and these strategies are known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO). With millions of videos available on Youtube, it is crucial to optimize your content for better performance.

What Is SEO on Youtube?

SEO is a set of algorithms that allow your channel to improve your channels positioning on search. It involves programming, design, content production, and establishing relations with other channels. The SEO you apply on your Youtube is not limited to searching within this platform; instead, it competes for that space in Google search.

The positioning of your video on search ultimately defines the success of your channel. Therefore it becomes crucial to boost the ranking of your content to perform better. However, Youtube SEO is not that simple, and the total outcome of what results will appear depends on the platform’s algorithms.

Here are some SEO tips for Youtube to favor your Videos in Result

  1. Keyword Algorithm

Youtube uses keywords to identify the video’s subject, indexes the content, and calculates the result based on this search. Therefore select keywords related to your content and mix them with some trending topics for maximum output.

You can add keywords in title, tags, and description while uploading the file for Youtube to process and determine the ranking of your video. Just identify the best and trending keywords for your video that have the maximum reach.

  • Title: An intro to your Recipe

The hunt for keywords lands you with some brilliant ideas for the title. The keyword needs to be in the title for Youtube to prioritize the search. It must be appealing and as close as possible to the content.

Under various studies, it has been found that the first placed searches mostly have the exact match of keyword in the title. So the thing that a viewer sees is the title o the video. So, therefore, it needs to be catch and simple with some trending keywords for Youtube to process.

  • Bag the Tags

Flooding your video’s page code with keywords in meta tags has been considered spam by Youtube in 2022 and is no longer used in processing the ranks. However, tags are crucial, among other factors that Youtube still uses in indexing the results.

Tags also allow your video to get recommended for related videos. Youtube allows a limit of 120 characters, but it is advised to use up to 20 characters and avoid deviation from your content.

  • Get Smart with Your Descriptions

A concise title requires an even better description to match the content of the video. It can promote ranking in two ways:

  1. It persuades and attracts the viewers to access the video. Although initially, only the beginning of the description is visible to viewers, keeping the main info at the top becomes crucial. It enhances your video engagement and allows you to earn more.
  2. The description is also used directly by Youtube in its method to acknowledge the content. Therefore, it is suggested to use keywords and to-the-point details of the content. A solicitation to subscribe, share, and like can also be placed here.
  • Audience Engagement: An off-page SEO

All the above options are technical SEO strategies, but a rewarding off-page strategy in your hand is audience engagement. It involves building links with other sites for mutual growth that fosters your views and subscription.

It doesn’t affect the algorithm directly, but instead, it uplifts your views which is a significant rank deciding factor on Youtube. Since views matter the most, the ideal thing to do is promote your videos through all means possible Turning to social media for this would be a great option.

Some Bonus Tips

Another significant venture is to start streaming live videos of gameplays, trips, or some sea-side view. These type of things contain the essence of reality and brings enormous fan following. Start spending on your tools and be equipped with the latest technology. Position your videos on Google, as Google adopts youtube, and it is, after all, the largest search engine among all. Remember also to track your youtube video ranking.

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