Most Technologically Advanced Airports in North America


In the 21st century, there has been a major increase in the amount of travel that people do. Because of the rise of the Internet, travel has become easier than ever. Travel has been revolutionized, as people from around the globe can simply log on to the web, book a flight, book a hotel or Airbnb, and then search for activities to do and sites to see in the city that they are going to. As travel has increased in recent years, airports have become more important to the general public. As people from around the world are passing through these airports every day, they need to be incredibly technologically advanced. If you are considering a trip, it is important to learn about the most advanced airports, so that you will be informed when you travel.

Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport

While there is a myriad of destinations throughout the United States to see, Dallas-Fort Worth has become incredibly popular in recent years. The city’s expansion combined with the Texas charm has led to an increase in the number of visitors that Dallas Fort-Worth is receiving. The Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport is well suited for the rise in tourism, as it is actually the fourth busiest airport in the world for air traffic and the fifteenth busiest airport in the world for passengers! In recent years, the airport has become more technologically advanced with the testing of facial recognition software to promote safety as well as a DFW airport parking service that helps passengers have a more convenient and safer time parking their cars.

Toronto Pearson International Airport

One of the jewels of Canada is the amazing city of Toronto, and as tourism numbers have increased to this city in recent years, the airport has certainly held its own. TorontoPearson is the busiest airport in Canada with almost 50 million passengers passing through in 2018. Because of the cold climate in Toronto, there is often icing that occurs, but since this airport is so state-of-the-art, it has implemented de-icing facilities to combat this issue. It is also incredibly easy to navigate, as the signage is extremely clear and the layout of Toronto Pearson is extremely well set up.

Vancouver International Airport

The second Canadian airport to make this list is Vancouver International Airport. While not as large as Toronto Pearson International Airport, Vancouver’s airport is still incredibly technologically advanced. The airport boasts an aquarium, a floatplane terminal, as well as large collection of art from the Pacific Northwest, where it is located. The airport is also renowned for its friendly staff, incredible organization, and extremely easy access to downtown Vancouver.

Final Thoughts

As travel becomes more relevant to our everyday lives, learning about the various airports that you will pass through has become more important than ever. Understanding the numerous technological advancements that these airports have is incredible to learn about, especially in the modern era. Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, Toronto Pearson International Airport, and Vancouver International Airport are just a few of the top airports in North America, and learning about their various features will certainly aid you when planning your next journey.

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